(January 23, 2010)
Oh boy, E-beertje is so impatient!!!
I wonder from who he has it 

The making of the chairs doesn't go fast enough
and he says I spent to much time behind my laptop, tssssss 

But a pacing bear in front of you isn't making the work easier,
so I had to come up with a clever plan!
To take his mind of things...I put him to work!
I let him mark the fabric that I needed and I must say...
he did a very good job!!! 

Then I gave him another important assignment,
he had to hold the almost empty bottle of tacky glue,
that way I didn't have to wait so long before I could use the glue!
(Don't tell him I have a very handy holder for that
(an egg-cup))

It did work for some time, but after a while he got fed up and went away!
And when he came back he was carrying some kind of container???
M-tje....look what I found!!!
What's that sweet boy??
Ooooh, that's a treat Jasmijn just ate.
Little breadsticks that you can dip in hazelnut paste!
But what do you want to do with the container???
Don't know....but look!
Couldn't you turn it into a nice chair for me??
A beach chair!!!!
Hmmm, I will think about it, little bear...but shall I first finish these 2 chairs??
Oh yes...that's okay M-tje! Go on with it!!!
And off he went...dragging the container with him!
I wonder where I will find it later on!
I suspect E-beertje is now somewhere licking the last hazelnut paste out of the container,
when I see him again I will check his muzzle 

I will continue with the chairs....
I don't want him to pull the plug from my laptop!!!
Hugs, M-tje
Espero que puedas acabar tu trabajo tranquilamente jejejeje
Seguro que cuando lo cojas tendra el hocico sucio jejeje
besitos ascension
E-beertje...je hebt je handen er vol aan,hihi!
Wat een goed idee van die strandstoel...en als dat niet lukt kan je er ook een badkuip van maken? Bankje van beertje is ook er mooi geworden...bofkont is het!!!
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