(January 22, 2010)
Yesterday I was working hard on the sofa for E-beertje,
but someone thought it wasn't going fast enough 

E-beertje came along to see how far I was with the sofa and he wanted to try it immediately!
Hmm...it is very soft M-tje, it just tickles my buttocks a bit!!!
Yes silly bear...I only have the backpart ready!!
You's sitting on bare fiberfill, that's not really comfortable!
But why isn't the sofa ready?? You always work so fast!
That's because I hate it when I have to start all over again...
I want to do it right in one go, so I have to think when I'm working
and that's a bit difficult E-beertje 

Tommorow I will finish it, I now know how I want it,
so when I get back from work I will continue with the sofa, okay?
Yes, sure M-tje...I kind of like the tickling..so no hurries 

So today I finished the sofa and I'm satisfied 

While I was working on the sofa, my friend Hanny came by unexpectedly
and she brought such a sweet gift!!!
A little doll, bought in the fair trade store!
Hanny knew immediatley this doll was meant for me,
because she has a lady bug (in dutch lieveheersbeestje) on her skirt! 

So her name was thought up very easily...Lieve
(means sweet/dear in english)

Of course someone wanted to try out the new sofa!!
E-beertje wanted a sofa he could sit on with someone else...
the sofa we borrowed was just a bit too small!
So Z-beertje came with E-beertje to try the new sofa! And it sits perfectly!!
Does the sofa feel good enough Z-beertje???
Yes E-beertje, it is very soft!
And do you like the color?? Otherwise I will ask M-tje to make another one!
(Excuse me?????

The color is beautiful E-beertje and I love the little flowers!
Well, alright then...M-tje, we are satisfied! And now we want 2 matching chairs!!!
Pffff, okay E-beertje, but NOT today!!! 

Z-beertje is a little bit more diplomatic... E-beertje didn't even say "thank you". Such a nice sofa, you should have been very thankful, little bear... ;O)
Es un sofa precioso, me encanta el color y el dibujo tan chiquitin que tiene.
besitos ascension
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