(December 31, 2009)
I already knew that my friend Freubs was working on miniature books with the stories of E-beertje, but it was still a big surprise when she showed them on the Kladblog !!!!(an online place where a big group of miniaturists show eachother and the rest of the world their projects and miniatures and have a lot of fun together!)
Freubs, you're the best!!! I really love them!!!
This is what Freubs wrote on the Kladblog!
After reading all those stories about E-beertje, a publisher in miniatureland thought it would be a good idea if these stories were put in print.
She thought it would be a shame if those stories would just dissapear!
So she went to work!
Copying,making smaller, printing, printing and printing!
The covers weren't good, so more printing!
But finally, the result was wonderful, even if I say it for myself 

The first series..
The second series..
The inside...
I can tell you it was very fun to do and there will be more books about E-beertje in the future!
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