Last year, I did a halloweenswap with Freubs, a friend with the same beautiful hobby...miniatures!!!
I made her a Halloween bear. She called him S-beertje!
(December 19, 2009)
I found an envelop in the mailbox with NO stamps on it!!!
But I'm so glad it did arrive, because I wouldn't have wanted to miss this!!
The envelop came from Freubs and S-beertje!
In the envelop were many Christmas present for me, but also many presents for E-beertje!!!
One was a bit big, so E-beertje unwrapped that one on our diningroom table! (And when he was unwrapping his present, I put the others secretly in his house!

Is this really for me M-tje???
Yes E-beertje!
But it isn't Christmas...should I wait for Christmas before I open it?
Noooo, silly and I are not so good in waiting patiently...are we? 

Just open it!
Oooooh, wat a beautiful tablecloth and place mats!!!
Yes, it is very beautiful...but go have a look in your house, there are a lot more presents!!!
Are these all for me???
M-tje....the presents are from S-beertje!
Shall I open this one first?
M-tje...just look....S-beertje has spoiled me!!!
In the box on the right was a very special gift!
a Christmas bauble especially made for E-beertje's first Christmas!
On one side it says "E-beertje's first Christmas"
Thank you Freubs and S-beertje, our Christmas can't get any better .gif)
That is especially what friends are for - to brighten up your day! E-beertje received some wonderful gifts! Good to have close friends like S-beertje (does the "S" stand for spooky - or for super-cutie? LOL).
I think it stands for Spooky, but he's a super-cutie...isn't he? ;-)
Enhorabuena por esos regalitos, seguro que esta muy contento.
besitos ascension
Felicidades. Todos los regalos están preciosos. Disfrutalos.
Besos Clara.
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