(Jauary 16, 2010)
Yesterday I made a new cupboard for E-beertje.
Today I finished it with the little bees as handles.
I had just enough nose studs to use them here also!!!
The prinses was present from my daughter, so she had to have a nice place also 

I think I will look on the dollshouse fair in Arnhem for a nice dinnerware set!
For now I placed some other things in the cupboard!
I've been decorating the room a little also! 

The chair and sofa are from another 1:24 scene, so they will be replaced!
On the bookcase I placed some little bears.
The one on the right is the first miniature bear I've bought.....in Hull,
when we were on holiday there in 1993!
On the dresser I placed some special bears.
In front of the wooden bear you can see 2 very small bears...4 and 5 mm tall!!!
And the whole house!
Shall I introduce all the inhabitants? 

In the bedroom, from left to right, you see Pearl, little orange bear,
Hugh the black duck and his yellow duckfriend,
the 2 sleeping bears, Z-beertje and her twins,
black cat and the little owl (he didn't fly back to the witch

Downstairs you see Tink, Luci and Ferri,
E-beertje (of course!!!!!) and Daimon and Janus!
Enough room to give a cosey home to some more miniatures in need... ;O)
Have a great week
Lovely house. I like the new cupboard and the bees.
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